For this quarter, from 1st September to 24th November, we have reverted to just one joint service per month with our friends from Mount View. This will be on the third Sunday of the month.
Tickets for the Mount View Pea Supper & Quiz Night on Saturday 30th November are going fast. They cost £10 and can be reserved through Marion 255 0714 or mobile 07813440704.
Sunday 10th– Sunday 17th November: Interfaith Week
Saturday 16th November 10.00 am – 4.00 pm Woodseats Festival Christmas Fayre in support of St Paul's Pantry and Grace Food Bank. Various stalls, a Bake-Off competition, refreshments, and kid's activities.
Wednesday 27th November at 7.30 pm (7.00 pm for tea or coffee) we shall hold the first of our Advent Studies, shared with friends from Mount View.
Congratulations to Michael who celebrates his birthday on Saturday, and to bring him warm birthday greetings from the Woodseats Church family.
It is possible to print single copies of The Clarion, in black and white, directly from the copier. If you would like a printed copy, please ask Michael.
A gentle reminder that if you stay for
coffee after the service on a Sunday, please could you leave via the church door on Mitchell Road and not the brown door near the Large Hall. Although the church door may be locked, you can get out by pushing the crash bar and slamming the door behind you.
A reminder that the Prayer Meeting meets at 9.30 am on a Sunday morning, however if you can't get to church for that time, the group meet until approximately 10 am and you are warmly invited to join them at any time during the half hour.
Monday 10.15 - 11.45 Young at Heart
Contact 0114 258 0159 - 07881 995721
Contact 0114 258 0159 - 07881 995721
Friday 09.30 - 11.30 Baby & Toddler Group
Term time only
Contact 07939 207155
A large Upper Hall with stage
A small lower hall (Lounge)
An Upper meeting room
There are facilities available for the disabled from the hall & meeting room as well as at the rear of the church.
Main Upper Hall - Maximum seating capacity 150 - Fixed stage within hall.
Adjoining upper kitchen.
Church Parlour - Seating capacity 50. Suitable for meetings.
Lounge - Seating capacity 25. Suitable as a smaller meeting room.
All rooms available for regular users £15.00 per hour and for casual users £22.00 per hour subject to
Kitchens £4 per hour unless for the provision of light refreshments & used in conjunction with the hire of another room in which case there is no additional charge. (However the kitchen may need to be shared with another user).
Stage - rates available on request
Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.
Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.
Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.
Jane Faber, New York